Dear Sirs,
It would be a pleasure to salute
our customers and shareholders through the website.
Domestic and global economies are expected to get worse in the low growth
due to rapidly changing global business environment.
EG Corporation, however, try to make the best effort to strengthen business competitive power
by doing our best to technology development for expansion of future growth power
and nourishing a core competence, preparing for change with rapid adaption & prompt decision.
For these, EG Corporation will grow up to be a world-class corporation
by actively opening up new overseas market based on 3 management principle -
First, Customer satisfaction management for customer, shareholders and employees.
Second, Value based management creating world's best added-value.
Third, Technique-lead management through the greatest product development by core technologies.
Also, we promise to be Corporation trusted with Respect for person and ethics observance,
Corporation contribute to society and humans rather than sale increase
and the best Corporation rather than the biggest Corporation in the world.
We ask for our customers and shareholders' continued support.
Thank you.